Hey All,
This Thursday on the #psychicroundtable (8:30pm ish) we will be speaking in the topic of Starseeds & Starchildren!
*You guys know that I absolutely LOVE this subject and grew up discussing stuff like this so I am so excited!!!!!!!!
This episode will air live on #desmoinesnewageshop Youtube & FB, and will be available on The Psychic Roundtable Spotify Channel, link here:
Joining us will be:
Dennis "Doc" Cromwell- #Pastlife reader & a bit of a Starseed expert
Angel Lynn - #clairvoyant #clairaudient #psychicmedium #petpsychic
Hally- Crystals voices by Indigo Moon- #Intuitive #crystalreader, she also works with the #Akashicrecords & #SpiritGuides
And possibly (Schedules permitting) :
Earl-Pagan news radio- Pagan radio show host, event promoter,long time #Pagan and Book suggestions man!!
Thor- #mysticalresearcher & #psychicvampire
Matt- DPART- #paranormalinvestigator
*Along with both Nicole & Spiral Healing Energies in the comments.*