Hey Folks,
This Thursday on the #psychicroundtable (8:30pm ish) we will be speaking in the topic of infighting and power games in the Metaphysical Communities amd some tips to handle it !
*a lot of people who are new to the Metaphysical and new on the journey to healing and working with their gifts , and are looking for metaphysical/paranormal/witchy/occult community, keep coming to me with questions on these issues. Many are out and outright turning away from the different communities due to the EXCESSIVE power plays , cliqishness and infighting so I am pulling on a few seasoned metaphysical veterans to help with some answers.
Joining us will be:
Matt- DPART- #paranormal Investigator
Thor- Mystical Researcher & #psychicvampire
Earl Williams- Pagan radio host & event promoter and Longtime #pagan
Toni- psychic & #wiccan #highpriestess
Symone- Willowtree Readings- #tarotreadings
Angel Lynn - #clairvoyant #psychicmedium #petpsychic
Hally- Indigo Moon- Intuitive & Metaphysical Shop owner
Doc- #PastLife Reader
And Possibly:
Yumi- Ancient Connections- Intuitive
*Along with both Nicole & Spiral Healing Energies in the comments as they have almost no voice from being under the weather.*
#desmoinesnewageshop #thepsychicroundtable #aliciasdesk #aliciasart #powerplays #metaphysicalcommunity #toxicmysticism #communitytoxicity #witchy #occult