Hey All,
Tonight on #thepsychicroundtable We are holding (Due to all of the inquiries over the last few months) a Basic Wicca Q&A.
We welcome all questions about beginning in any spirituality and we will be revisiting this subject again due to how much there is to cover :D
*This Episode will air live on #desmoinesnewageshop Youtube & FB, and will be available on The Psychic RoundTable Spotify Channel:
Joining us tonight will be:
Nico O'Neill-Folk witch & Norse pagan
Earl Williams- Pagan radio show host, event coordinator, DJ, longtime pagan
Thor/Kasumi- Wiccan, #psychicvampire
Gypsy Dunham- High Priestess , Pagan community activist
Possibly(schedule permitting):
AngelLynn- #PsychicMedium , #clairvoyant , #petpsychic
Matt Bennet-DPART- #paranormalinvestigator