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Summer Solstice Psychic Fair, This Saturday!!!

Hey Folks,

This Saturday is our Summer Solstice Psychic fair at #desmoinesnewageshop, from 11 am to 7pm !

*We will also be holding our #dealdash online at 10am so as some of our vendors can participate as well, annnd In honor of the Solstice we are are keeping the deal prices going until 3am on Sunday (cuz Im a nightowl and I know alot of other nightowls too), tune in to our facebook or youtube :) link:


The Psychic- #trancemedium , Clairvoyant, Psychic medium

Destini- Sunshine Oracle- #Oracle readings

Symone- Willow tree readings- #tarot readings

Angela- Peaceful Jewels- #crystals crystals and more crystals, she has other stuff too...but I can't get past the crystals lols

Antoinette-Spiral Healing Energies- #reiki #candlemagic #accessbars #egyptianhealing #hilothealing

For any questions please call the shop at 515-561-4250

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