Hey All,
It's the time of year when the days are getting shorter, the temps outside are getting cooler and the trees are starting to change color! It is Autumn, well almost.
Come and celebrate it with us as we will have a variety of vendors and readers at Des Moines New Age Shop this Saturday & Sunday !!!
Saturday, Sept 7th 11am to 7pm
Sunday, Sept 8th 12pm to 5pm
Vendors (So Far):
The Psychic- #psychicmedium , #clairvoyant
Spiral Healing Energies- #reiki , House cleansings/Blessings
Peaceful Jewels- #crystals
Kasumi Readings- #tarotreadings
Sunshine Oracle- #oraclereadings
For more info, plz call Des Moines New Age Shop at 515-561-4250
Or go to desmoinesnewage.com
More details to come!
Event link: